Intro music - 2 drinks (1 for the guitar, 1 = for the drum machine)

Firm male handshake - 1 drink

"Hey Bro" - 1 drink (2 if it's BRANDON)

WALSH PARENTS are shown in bathrobes - 1 drink

VALERIE is in scanty clothing while BRANDON is there - 1 drink

Midriffs - 1 drink

Gentle scolding by the WALSHES - 1 drink

STEVE hits on a girl - 1 drink (His car involved in any way - 2 drinks)

Reference to BRENDA (new only) - 1 drink

HANNAH shrieks - 1 drink

Pensive looks - 1 drink

Sympathy hugs - 1 drink

CLAIRE has tiny plastic barrettes in her hair - 1 drink

CLAIRE looks too alternative for her own good (party vote) - 1 drink

VALERIE wears an unflattering outfit (party vote ) - 1 drink

Substance abuse by VALERIE - 2 drinks

DYLAN looks like a badass (party vote) - 1 drink

Anytime DYLAN drinks, drink with the man!

ANDREA whines - 1 drink

JESSE - 1 drink for every line

Anytime RAY sings, drink until he stops

KELLY gives a "Nobody understands how hard it is to be me" look - 1 drink

BRENDA'S eyes fill with tears - 1 drink (2 if she cries, 3 if she runs from the room)

Reference to "the accident" and KELLY'S Krispiness - 1 drink

Parental Figure Appears - 1 drink

Parental Figure makes a really stupid disciplinary decision - 1 drink

Reference to West Beverly Days of Yore - 1 drink

Melrose Place /Spelling parallel - 1 drink

Any mention of: Megaburger, Raves, or the Internet - 1 drink

A breakup - 2 drinks

Annoying College Lingo - 1 drink (2 if it's "abnormal psych")

Someone does "The right thing" - 1 drink

A death - 3 drinks

Old character returns - 1 drink

Random bad line (subject to vote) - 1 drink

Prophecy fulfilled - 2 drinks to the person who called it

Cliche - 1 drink (2 if it is altered - ex: "Give him an inch, he'll take a kilometer")

Historical or political reference - 1 drink (2 if it's out of place)

Fantasy sequence - 1 drink

Laughter is generated by actual humor - 3 drinks to the person who laughed